Geeta Singh
King George’s medical university, India
Title: Mandibular Condyle Fracture Management by Modified Tragus Approach
Biography: Geeta Singh
Introduction : Mandibular condylar fractures are very common. According to current literature management of condylar fractures remains a controversy.Treatment options for mandibular condylar fractures vary from open reduction toclosed reduction. Extraoral approaches are complicated due to injury to the facial nerve. And Intraoral approaches can make fracture reduction and fixation difficult.Also, there is a dilemma which is the best surgical approach for condylar fracture.Here I am going to discuss various surgical approaches to condylar fractures.
Aim & objective: This study is to consider various surgical indications, compare the outcome of various surgical approaches & fixation methods of condylar fractures.
Methodology : All cases which were diagnosed as condylar & subcondylar fractures in Oral & Maxillofacial surgery department of King George’s Medical University, Lucknow India during the period from April 2012 to June 2023 were studied prospectively. Various surgical approaches were studied.
Findings & Conclusion : Open reduction and internal fixation is best for the management of condylar & subcondylar fractures. The patient were evaluated for pain, swelling, mouth opening, paraesthesia, occlusion, Parotid fistula, Facial nerve Injury, Scarring and early return in function. Modified Tragus Edge Approach is good & has satisfactory aesthetic results .