Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
29th Euro Dentistry Congress, will be organized around the theme “New Era of Expansion & Development in Dentistry”
Euro Dentistry 2020 is comprised of 22 tracks and 109 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Euro Dentistry 2020.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Dental Public Health focuses on the health of populations in a non-clinical way. The most widely known dental public health implication has been the fluoridation of water. A major focus of public health is preventing disease in large populations, rather than treating diseases on an individual basis.
- Track 1-1Primary care and dental health education
- Track 1-2Organizations of Oral Health systems
- Track 1-3General awareness in Dentistry
- Track 1-4Mouth Sores
- Track 1-5Asepsis in Endodontics
- Track 1-6Responsibilities towards patients
Oral disease is otherwise called mouth tumour. The oral growth may happen at any place in the mouth, on the surface of the tongue, on the lips, inside the cheek, in the gums, in the sense of taste of the mouth, in the salivary organs. It is a kind of head and neck tumour. Manifestations of oral disease incorporates; fixes on the coating of the mouth or tongue, mouth ulcers or wounds that don't recuperate, free teeth with obvious reason, jaw torment, excruciating tongue, change in voice, ear torment, sore throat and so forth and medicines for Oral growth are surgery, radiation treatment, chemotherapy.
- Track 2-1Radiation Therapy
- Track 2-2Chemotherapy
- Track 2-3Pretreatment Dental Evaluation
- Track 2-4Surgical Pathology of Oral Cancer
- Track 2-5Malignant Salivary Gland Tumors
A dental implant is a titanium post (like a tooth root) that is surgically positioned into the jawbone beneath the gum line that allows your dentist to mount replacement teeth or a bridge into that area. An implant doesn't come loose like a denture can. Dental implants also benefit general oral health because they do not have to be anchored to other teeth, like bridges.
- Track 3-1Dentures- types, benefits and potential complications
- Track 3-2Biomimetic Restorative Dentistry
- Track 3-3Planning and making crowns and bridges
Prosthodontists are experts in the restoration and replacement of teeth - they make smiles look beautiful and function the way they should. Maxillo-facial prosthetics, Implant-based prostheses, Management of temporo-mandibular disorders, Dentures, Crowns, bridges, and full or partial dentures are just some of the procedures that can help you regain your smile and improve your appearance and self-confidence. Another option is dental implants, a more permanent solution that has improved greatly over the last ten years, thanks to the pioneering techniques of prosthodontists.
- Track 4-1Implant-based prostheses
- Track 4-2Management of temporo-mandibular disorders
- Track 4-3Oral Examination
- Track 4-4Implantation
- Track 4-5Dental Replacement
- Track 4-6Cavity Treatment
Endodontics is the branch of dentistry, concerned with the morphology, physiology, and pathology of the human tooth, and in particular the dental pulp, root and peri-radicular tissues. The study and practice of endodontics includes the biology of the normal pulp, crown, root and peri-radicular tissues and the etiology, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries that affect these tissues. Root canal therapy is one of the common procedures followed in endodontic treatments. Also includes treatment of cracked teeth and dental trauma. Endodontic treatment is done to save the teeth from diseased dental pulp. Regenerative endodontics uses the concept of tissue engineering to restore the root canals to a healthy state
- Track 5-1Endodontic Instruments
- Track 5-2Pathologies of Pulp and Periapex
- Track 5-3Lasers in Endodontics-Application of Diodes
- Track 5-4Wave-one in Endodontics
- Track 5-5Nickel-Titanium Rotary Endodontics
- Track 5-6Root Canal Therapy in Atypical Teeth
- Track 5-7Regenerative Endodontics
- Track 5-8Access Cavity Preparation
- Track 5-9Cleaning and Shaping of Root Canal System
- Track 5-10Asepsis in Endodontics
- Track 5-11Diagnostic Procedures
Bioengineering materials usually develop tissue-biomaterial interactions that suitably recapitulate a tissue or organ and integrate well with surrounding tissues which can achieve the desired results in human patients and greatly improve their care. The dental applications of bioengineering materials have considerably broadened within the last few decades. The field of bioengineering materials needs to move towards new dental treatment concepts based on the fact of value-consciousness in the healthcare and biotechnology areas and utilizations that can create the future of this field.
- Track 6-1Bioengineering devices for Dental application
- Track 6-2Dental technologies and strategies in Bioengineering
- Track 6-3Pharmaceutical technologies and strategies with bioengineering materials
Gerodontology is that the study of the dentition and dental issues in older patients that involves the identification and treatment of dental injuries, diseases or defects. The physiological, pathologic and psychological changes in geriatric patients impact the dental treatment. Periodontology deals with the study of supporting structures of teeth and connected diseases. The periodontium includes the animal tissue, alveolar bone, solid body substance and periodontic ligament. The invention of the microorganism that plays a crucial role within the periodontic diseases and also the pathological process of disease may be an advanced and complex topic.
- Track 7-1Oral disease burden faced by older adults
- Track 7-2Diabetes and periodontal disease
- Track 7-3Dementia and Denture
- Track 7-4Geriatric pharmacology: principles and implications for oral health
- Track 7-5Caries, tooth loss and conventional tooth replacement for oral health
- Track 7-6Comorbidities that affect dental care for the older patient
- Track 7-7Mechanical plaque control
- Track 7-8Identification of periodontal pathogens
- Track 7-9Plaque induced Gingival diseases
Orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics is the specialty of dentistry that focuses on the alignment of the teeth and the dental arches: the maxilla and the mandible. The practice of this specialty includes diagnosis, prevention, interception, and correction of malocclusion and other abnormalities of the developing or mature orofacial structures.
- Track 8-1Genetics and Orthodontics
- Track 8-2Classification and Aetiology of Malocclusion
- Track 8-3Diagnosis and treatment planning in Orthodontics
- Track 8-4Materials used in Orthodontics
- Track 8-5Biomechanics in Orthopedics
Molecular & Cell Biology decipher the genetic, molecular, and biochemical causes of oral health disorders and their possible relationships with other systemic dysfunctions.
- Track 9-1Cell & Developmental Biology
- Track 9-2Immunology & Pathogenesis
- Track 9-3Genetics, Genomics & Development
Dental caries is caused by the action of acids on the lacquer surface. The corrosive is created when sugars (for the most part sucrose) in sustenances or beverages respond with microbes display in the dental biofilm (plaque) on the tooth surface. The corrosive created prompts lost calcium and phosphate from the veneer; this procedure is called demineralization. Various kinds of microbes ordinarily live in the human mouth. It develops on the teeth in a sticky film called plaque. This plaque additionally contains salivation, bits of sustenance and other characteristic substances. Dental caries can happen at any stage and time of life. It mostly happens because of unfortunate eating and not taking due care of one's teeth (like brushing twice or rinsing after liquor utilization or smoking and so forth).
- Track 10-1Oral Cancer
- Track 10-2Oral Hygiene
- Track 10-3Oral Health
Oral microbiology is a complex ecological system where up to 700 species of microorganisms that have been identified .Some of the predominant groups present in the mouth includes Streptococcus, Neisseria, Veillonella, Actinomyces and other obligate anaerobes. These organisms maintain a mutualistic relationship with the host by preventing pathogenic species from adhering to the mucosal surface. Oral microflorae can cause dental plaques and are also a common cause dental caries and periodontal disease. Oral disease in an individual can be caused due to a combination of lack of oral hygiene and factors influencing the ora microbial community structure, such as diet. An understanding of the oral environment and microbial interactions leads to understanding the main causes for the onset of oral diseases.
- Track 11-1Malocclusion
- Track 11-2Gingivitis & Periodontitis
- Track 11-3Neoplastic & Idiopathic disorders
Restorative dentistry is a branch of dentistry dealing with those dental materials that can replace dental hard tissues in oral environment level to maintain physical function and aesthetic loss by disease processes. Restorative dentistry mainly encircles the dental specialties of Periodontics, Endodontics and Prosthodontics. Its foundation is highly based upon the interaction of these specialties in cases requiring complex, multi-faceted care.
- Track 12-1Types of Dental Restorations
- Track 12-2Dentures
- Track 12-3Porcelain Crowns & Fixed Bridges
- Track 12-4Root Canal Therapy
- Track 12-5Amalgam-Silver Dental Fillings
Nursing is a profession of the health care sector attentive on the care of individuals, families, and communities so they may attain, conserve or recover excellent health and quality of life. A Dental Nurse supports the dentist in all aspects of patients’ dental care. As a dental nurse, you may help with reception work and could help any member of the dental team clinical and dental technicians/technologists, hygienists and therapists – treat patients of all ages
- Track 13-1Dental sedation nursing
- Track 13-2Orthodontic nursing
- Track 13-3Special care dental nursing
- Track 13-4Oral health education
- Track 13-5Related Conference
Operative Dentistry is the art and science of the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of the defects of teeth that do not require full coverage restorations for correction. Such treatment should result in the restoration of proper tooth form, function and esthetics while maintaining the physiologic integrity of the teeth in harmonious relationship with the adjacent hard and soft tissues, all of which should enhance the general health and welfare of the patient. Forensic Dentistry is the proper handling, examination and evaluation of dental evidence, which will be then presented in the interest of justice. The evidence that may be derived from teeth is the age (in children) and identification of the person to whom the teeth belong.
- Track 14-1Identification & methods
- Track 14-2Dental Radiography/ Informatics
- Track 14-3Age estimation
- Track 14-4Assessment of bite mark injuries
Evidence-Based Dentistry is an approach to oral health care that requires the judicious integration of systematic assessments of clinically relevant scientific evidence, relating the patient's oral and medical condition and history, with the dentist's clinical expertise and the patient's treatment needs and preferences. Evidence-Based Care is a global movement in all the Health science disciplines. It represents a philosophical shift in the approach to practice a shift that emphasizes evidence over opinion and at the same time, judgment over blind adherence to rules
- Track 15-1Identify the Clinical Problem
- Track 15-2Search for Information
- Track 15-3Interpret the Evidence
- Track 15-4Act on Evidence
A dental robot has been created that can perform dental procedures. Robots, the most wonderful invention of human being, have made its way into dentistry. The necessary technologies have been developed and experimented which would help it to be adapted in dentistry. With unmatched precision and ability to work without fatigue, robots are the most useful applications of robotic technology. The main aim of this paper is to review the application of robotics in dentistry. Nano Dentistry is said to be the future of dentistry where all procedures are to be performed using Nano robots that may become a replacement to the present day dental assistants, technicians & hygienists. The discovery of Nano dental materials such as Nano powders and Nano composites reinforced with Nano fillers are the most rapidly developing group of materials with excellent prospective for application in the field of dentistry.
- Track 16-1Dentine Hypersensitivity
- Track 16-2Nanoencapsulation
- Track 16-3Diagnosis of Oral Cancer
Dental anesthesiology is the specialty of dentistry that deals with the management of pain through the use of advanced local and general anesthesia techniques. It is the discipline in dentistry that manages pain and anxiety through the use of local anesthesia, sedation, and general anesthesia.
- Track 17-1Sedation Techniques
- Track 17-2Use of lasers
- Track 17-3Pain free Dentistry
- Track 17-4Dental Radiology
Stem cell treatment is a piece of regenerative pharmaceutical, that includes the utilization of undifferentiated cells so as to cure the sickness. They can possibly lighten sufferings of numerous infections that right now have no viable therapy. Stem cells have the remarkable limit with regards to self-reestablishment and strength. With biochemical signs that still can't seem to be completely comprehended, the stem cells can differentiate into desirable cells. Teeth are the most regular, noninvasive wellspring of stem cells. Dental foundational microorganisms, which are simple, advantageous, and reasonable to gather, hold guarantee for a scope of extremely potential remedial applications.
- Track 18-1Collection and Preservation of Dental Stem Cells
- Track 18-2Regeneration of Functional Tooth
- Track 18-3Dental Cell Banking
- Track 18-4Dental Lamina
- Track 18-5Regeneration of Fill Cavities
Oral Medicine manages the oral social insurance of patients with ceaseless, repetitive and therapeutically related clutters of the oral and maxillofacial locale, and with their finding and non-surgical administration. Oral Medicine relates Dentistry to medication. Oral Pathology deals with the diseases of oral and Para oral structures and provides an understanding of which is essential for diagnosis and for the development of rational treatment. Oral microbiology deals with the study of the microorganisms of the oral cavity. Oral Radiology deals with the use of x-rays, radioactive substances, and other forms of radiant energy in diagnosis and treatment of disease.
- Track 19-1Detection of diseased structures
- Track 19-2X-ray radiation
- Track 19-3Pathologies of tooth structures
- Track 19-4Diagnosis and Treatment of Disease
Preventive Dentistry is the practice of caring for your teeth to keep them healthy. Community Dentistry is a branch of Dentistry which deals with preventing disease, prolonging life & promoting physical & mental efficiency through organized community efforts for the sanitation of the environment, the control of communicable infections, the education of individual in personal hygiene. Oral Epidemiology provide information on normal biological processes and on diseases of the oral cavity, identify populations at risk of oral disease or in need of specific care, and compare regional, environmental, social, and access similarities and differences in dental care between populations. It also tests preventive interventions for controlling disease and evaluates the effectiveness and quality of interventions and oral health programs.
- Track 20-1Current Concepts in Preventive Dentistry
- Track 20-2Preventive Dentistry for children
- Track 20-3Research Designs in Oral Epidemiology
- Track 20-4Dental Fluorosis
- Track 20-5Fissure Sealants
A branch of medicine which deals with study, diagnosis, prevention & treatment of conditions, diseases & disorders related to Oral cavity & maxillofacial area. Vincent infection-A painful disease of the mouth characterized by grey ulceration of the mucous membrane, bleeding of gums, foul odour to the breath etc. Oral Cancer - Type of cancer that can develop in any part of the mouth due to abnormal growth of cells. It occurs mostly in people over 40years of age. Dentures- Artificial replacement of one or more teeth, especially false teeth. Sensitivity- Seen when the enamel layer is too thin. It is characterized by severe pain & discomfort in the mouth. Cavities- Permanent damage of teeth which leads to tiny holes. Bleeding gums & several other Case Reports related to Dentistry.
- Track 21-1Dental Diseases and Disorders
- Track 21-2Complete denture occlusion
- Track 21-3Geriatric Dentistry
- Track 21-4Preventive dentistry for children
- Track 21-5Oral health and dental hygiene in adolescents
Temporomandibular joint brokenness (TMD or TMJD), otherwise called Temporomandibular joint brokenness disorder andtemporomandibular issue among others, is an umbrella term covering torment and brokenness of the muscles of rumination (the muscles that move the jaw) and the temporomandibular joints (the joints which associate the mandible to the skull). The most critical component is torment, trailed by limited mandibular development, and commotions from the temporomandibular joints (TMJ) amid jaw development. In spite of the fact that TMD is not life-undermining, it can be impeding to personal satisfaction, in light of the fact that the manifestations can get to be endless and hard to oversee. Around 20% to 30% of the grown-up populace is influenced to some degree. Normally individuals influenced by TMD are somewhere around 20 and 40 years old, and it is more regular in females than guys. TMD is the second most incessant reason for orofacial torment after dental torment (i.e. toothache).
- Track 22-1Adhesiolysis
- Track 22-2Arthroplasty
- Track 22-3Treatement of TMJ
- Track 22-4Myofascial pain