Day :
- Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics
Session Introduction
Małgorzata Kotarska
Research Associate Wroclaw Medical University, Poland
Title: Changes in the Mandible Following Rapid Maxillary Expansion in Children with Class II Maloc-clusion: A Systematic Review

Dr. Małgorzata is a Teaching assistant and researcher at Wroclaw Medical University. Associated with Department of Dentofacial Orthopedics and Orthodontics and Department of Integrated Dentistry. Since the beginning of her professional career, she has been fascinated by orthodontics, especially interceptive treatment. Her planned and ongoing PhD thesis research revolves around early treatment, Moss matrix theory and the ideological search for a way to provide perfect skeletal pattern for growing patients.
Objective: The aim of this systematic review was to determine whether rapid maxillary expansion (RME) allows favorable changes in the mandible during the treatment of class II malocclusion before the growth spurt.
Methods: A search of Pubmed/Medline, the Science Direct, and the Google Scholar database was performed. The keywords used were: orthodontics, rapid maxillary expansion, class II, and growing patients. Relevant articles were assessed for quality according to Cochrane guidelines, and then changes in SNA, SNB, ANB, NL-NSL (or SN-SNP.SNA), and ML-NSL (or SN-Go-Gn) relationships were analyzed.
Results: The selection process brought forthy five articles, including 162 patients (91 females, 71 males) for detailed analysis. The quality of the evidence (GRADE) for comparisons and outcomes was assessed as moderate for SNB and ANB and as low or very low for other variables.
Conclusions: The results of this systematic review showed that there is a small body of moderate-quality evidence for statistically and clinically favorable changes in SNB and ANB angles and a small body of low-quality evidence for changes in vertical parameters after RME.
Mahdieh Khosravi
Assistant Professor Orthodontics Department, Semnan University of medical sciences, Iran
Title: Tooth-borne versus bone-borne rapid maxillary expansion for transverse maxillary deficiency: A systematic review

Dr Mahdieh Khosravi is working as a Assistant Professor in Orthodontic Department Dental faculty at Semnan University of medical sciences in Iran.
Hakam H. Al‑Fakhry
Department of Orthodontics, Collage of Dentistry, University of Mosul, Iraq, IRAQ
Title: Influence of Local Injection of Platelet Rich Fibrin and Osteoprotegerin on Orthodontic Relapse in a Rabbit Model

Hakam Alfakhry has worked From 2002 to 2009 Assistant Lecturer in the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Mustansiriya (minutes of the fourth-grade students in addition to overseeing the clinics and laboratory for fifth grade and fourth grade). Then from 2009 to 2015 lecturer in the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Mosul, minutes of the fourth and fifth grade students in addition to overseeing the clinics. 2015-till now, assistant professor lecturer in the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Mosul minutes of the fourth and fifth grade students in addition to overseeing the clinics. Furthermore, he supervises many post-graduate students at the University of Mosul's College of Dentistry. Finally, he had more than 10 published article.
Introduction: Relapse in orthodontic treatment remains a challenging and undesirable consequence of orthodontic treatment, Hence, a variety of biomedical agents, methods, and techniques have been investigated to reduce post-orthodontic relapse.
Aims: This study sought to determine whether the local injection of injectable platelet rich Fibrin (i-PRF) or recombinant osteoprotegerin (OPG-FC) could reduce orthodontic relapse by increasing bone density. It is also intended to further investigate the role of periodontal ligament and alveolar bone remodeling in rabbits and how they interplay during relapse.
Materials and Methods: Sixty-five adult male albino rabbits were randomly divided into 5 groups. Group I served as the base line group (control -ve) of 5 rabbits, and four experimental groups of 15 rabbits each including, group II (control + ve), which served as the appliance control group and was injected with a 200 μl of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), group III, which was injected with 200 μl of injectable platelet rich fibrin (i-PRF), group IV, which was injected with 400 μl of i-PRF and group V, which was injected with a 200 μl Osteoprotegerin-Fc (OPG-FC). Furthermore, each experimental group was subdivided into three subgroups of 5 rabbits each according to time of sacrifice (0, 10, and 20 days). For all experimental groups, the lower incisors of rabbits were moved distally by a modified orthodontic appliance with nickel-titanium open coil springs for 2 weeks, and then the appliance was maintained in position to retain the gained space for 2 weeks. During the retention period, each group was injected with its specific drug every 7 days. After the retention period, teeth are allowed to relapse. The results were evaluated by measuring the amount of relapse by direct measurement with a digital vernier. Results: Relapse distance (RD) for i-PRF groups and OPG-Fc group showed a significant decrease at 10, 13, 17, and 20 days compared to the control group. At the same time, the OPG-FC group had a significantly higher RD than the i-PRF groups at days 17 and 20 in the upper region. Histologically, the i-PRF groups in the cervical region had a significantly narrower PDL width, higher percentage of NBA, higher Ob.N and blood vessels than groups II and V at 0 day.
Conclusions: Findings imply that i-PRF and OPG-FC have the potential to improve tooth stability following orthodontic tooth movement, most likely by increasing alveolar bone density and inhibiting alveolar bone resorption. Also, i-PRF showed an effect on the inhibition of relapse for a longer time than OPG-FC.
Khaled Kasem
Chief Orthodontist at Impress Barcelona, Spain
Title: Digital Hybrid Orthodontic Treatment: A Case Study

Dr. Khaled Kasem has more than 15 years of experience in his field. He currently works exclusively in orthodontics being the chief of orthodontists at Impress while also combining his work at the University of Barcelona as a research coordinator in the orthodontic department. He has studied for a master's degree in Orthodontics and has a diploma in advanced techniques in dentistry. He has publications in renowned journals such as the American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics or Photomedicine & Laser Surgery.
Hybrid application of clear aligners can be a rational and efficient approach for treating malocclusions, as compared with a clear aligner therapy alone option in which the magnitude of some movements would require a higher number of aligners and likely further refinement.
A case study patient, with no medical problems, underwent a hybrid digital treatment with two phases to treat Class II div 2, brachycephalic pattern and a retrognathic mandible: an extraction of two first premolars with fixed orthodontic as a first phase and clear alignment treatment as a second phase.
The findings? A combined use of aligners and fixed orthodontic treatment is an efficacious means of resolving orthodontic issues such as class II, dental cross-bite, and crowding within a relative short time-frame comparable to conventional orthodontic methods, and with excellent esthetics and functional results.
- Dental Education and Research
- Periodontology and Implant Dentistry
Session Introduction
Ahmed Saleh
Senior Lecturer at the School of Dentistry at UWA , Australia
Title: Periodontal Prognosis: To Extract or Not

Ahmed served as a Clinical tutor and then Senior Lecturer at the School of Dentistry at UWA between 2014 and 2021. Ahmed has also lectured at different Dental conferences nationally and internationally. He also served as State President and Federal Treasurer of the Australian Society of Periodontology (ASP). He is a member of the Australian & New Zealand Academy of Periodontists (ANZAP) and the International Team for Implantology (ITI).
How accurate are we at determining the prognosis of periodontally compromised teeth? Are we too hasty in making decisions to extract?
This lecture will test your optimism/pessimism towards periodontally compromised teeth. The management of different clinical scenarios will be presented and supported by current literature.
Clinical cases presented include:
Single rooted teeth with moderate and advanced periodontitis,
Multi-rooted teeth with moderate and advanced periodontitis,
Molar teeth with Grade II and III furcation involvement, and,
Communicating endo-perio lesions.
Amr Mohammed
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Al-Azhar University, Cairo
Title: prevalence of lower third molar impactions and angulations among Yemeni population

Amr Mohammed , I completed my Bachelor's degree in dentistry at the age of 24 years from University of Science and Technology Yemen , Then the internship of Al-Azhar University from Cairo, and the Egyptian Ministry of Health Then a Teaching Assistant of the Ibb University for one year Now master degree of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Al-Azhar University, Cairo I work as a surgeon in my clinic in Cairo.
The purpose of this study was to look into the prevalence of lower third molars in a sample of patients from Ibb University Affiliated Hospital, as well as to study and categorise their position by using Pell and Gregory classification, and to look into a possible correlation between their position and the indication for extraction.
Materials and methods: This is a retrospective, observational study in which a sample of 200 patients from Ibb University Affiliated Hospital were studied, including patient record validation and orthopantomography performed in screening appointments in people aged 16 to 21.
Results and discussion: Males make up 63% of the sample, while people aged 19 to 20 make up 41.2%. Lower third molars were found in 365 of the 365 instances examined, accounting for 91% of the sample under study. According to Pell and Gregory's categorisation, the most common position is IIB, with 37%, followed by IIA with 21%; less common classes are IIIA, IC, and IIIC, with 1%, 3%, and 3%, respectively. It was feasible to determine that 56% of the lower third molars in the sample were recommended for extraction during the screening consultation.
Finally, there are differences in third molar location and angulation. There was, however, a link between the available space for third molar eruption and the need for tooth extraction.
- Conservative Dentistry
Session Introduction
Ayah A Al-Asmar
Department of Restorative Dentistry, School of Dentistry at University of Jordan
Title: Quality Management of Patients

Ayah Al-Asmar as a specialized practitioner and an academic researcher is motivated to improve quality health care provided to dental patients. As a conservative dentist who had her PhD dissertation in Minimal Invasive Dentistry, she adopted minimal invasive strategy in a way bridging evidence-based dentistry data and clinical decision-making in daily practice. Thus, she utilizes personalized patient-centered treatment plan in a conservative approach yet scientific-oriented methodology.
The aim of this presentation is to comprehend the variables associated to the production of quality management for dental patients. It will discuss the fundamental scientific basics of diagnosing and treating dental diseases from restorative perspectives. Moreover, it will relate evidence-based dentistry to decision-making in clinical practice. The capability of modifying general principles to compose personalized treatment plan according to contemporary clinical dentistry will be discussed. Clinical cases with patient-specific treatment plan will be demonstrated. Alternative modalities of treatment for selected cases, biometic approach, and tips for successful resin composite restorations will be disclosed too.
- Orofacial and Dentistry Cosmetics
Session Introduction
Eman Helal
Oral and Dental Research Institute. National Research Center, Egypt
Title: Esthetics and Cosmetics in prosthodontics

Our everyday lives are full of esthetic experiences. Uncountable decisions depend on the esthetic appeal of the available options. The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) defines ‘esthetic’ as “concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty”, Dental esthetics is the application of the principles of esthetics to the natural or artificial teeth and restorations .NowEstheticsadays, owing to patients’ increasing esthetic demands and expectations, the natural appearance of the prosthesis has become an important outcome measure for defining the success of restoration therapy.
The difference between Cosmetic and Esthetic prosthodontics is that Cosmetic prosthodontics implies treatment that is done strictly for visual appearance that may not be considered essential such as Veneers, Cosmetic crowns as well as teeth whitening .On the other hand, Esthetic prosthodontics uses an approach that helps to solve more complicated problems such as missing teeth or missing part of maxillary or mandibular jaws that both fixes the problem from a functional standpoint, but also helps the patient to look and feel better it also requires harmony and balance. In other words, esthetic prosthodontics is a more broad approach than cosmetic prosthodontics.
The demand for cosmetic dental prosthetics has grown considerably during the last few years. Rush-to-market products, media-driven ideas, as well as dentists keen to please, have formed a challenge for the dentist to calculate benefits /risks ratio for every single treatment modality. For this reason this presentation investigated the traditional and recent techniques and materials in different branches of prosthodontics that helps to give the patient the most esthetically satisfying dental experience.
- Digital Dentistry, Robotics and Nano dentistry
- Prosthodontics & Implantology
Session Introduction
Jin-Ho Lee
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Ulsan Hospital, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Ulsan, south Korea
Title: Clinical outcome of implant placed in grafted maxillary sinus using rhBMP-2: A 5-year follow-up study

Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the 5-year outcome of dental implants placed in a grafted maxillary sinus using recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2).
Materials and Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 27 implants after maxillary sinus floor augmentation (MSFA) using rhBMP-2 in 16 patients from January 2016 to March 2017. The outcome variables were 1) 5-year cumulative survival and success rate of the implant after functional loading, 2) marginal bone loss. Through the medical records and radiographic images, patient demographic information, surgical site, residual bone height (RBH), implant length and diameter, bone graft material, healing period prior to loading, condition of the opposite dentition, prosthesis type, and crown-to-implant ratio were analyzed.
Results: The average RBH was 4.78 ± 1.53 mm. The healing period prior to loading was 8.35 ± 2.34 months. The crown-to-implant ratio was 1.31 ± 0.26. The 5-year cumulative survival and success rate after functional loading were 100% and 96.3% respectively. The average marginal bone loss was 0.89 ± 0.82 mm. One implant did not meet the implant success criteria, where the marginal bone loss was 2.53mm.
Conclusion: The placement of dental implants with MSFA using rhBMP-2 is a reliable procedure in terms of long-term survival and success rate.
- Dental Instruments and Dental Marketing
- Endodontics
- Pediatric Dentistry and Gerodontology
Session Introduction
Majed Faisal Almuammar
Consultant in Pediatric Dentistry, King Abdulaziz Medical City, Riyadh
Title: The effect of dental anxiety on the salivary cortisol and alpha-amylase levels of children undergoing dental treatment

Majed Almuammar completed his BDS, Ms, ABPD, FAAPD, FICD. He worked as a consultant Pediatric Dentistry, King Abdulaziz Medical City, in National-Guard, RIYADH, SAUDI Arabia, Associate Professor at King Saud bin Abdulaziz university, RIYADH, Saudi Arabia. He finished certificate in pediatric dentistry at New York university on July 1996. He had done Master of Dental Material from same university (New York unit) on 1997. He certified as an American board in pediatric dentistry in the year of 2000. He was a fellow of American academy of pediatric dentistry in the year 2001 and International College of Dentistry on the year of 2007. Seven publications done in known journals. He worked as Director of the residency program in national-Guard in the center region from the year 2000 – 2011. He involved in administration as a divisional head in pediatric dentistry and Orthodontics department for several years and involved in many committees. He attended as an invited speaker in international symposium for several occasions.
Background and Aim: The purpose of this study was to assess the salivary cortisol and salivary alpha-amylase levels in children aged between 6 and 9 years immediately prior to dental treatment.
Methodology: A total of 183 patients aged between 6 and 9 vears who were awaiting dental treatment were administered the Arabic version of the Children's fear survey - dental subscale and accordingly allocated to one of three groups: phobic patients, anxious patients, and control group. Patients' heart rate in the waiting area, salivary cortisol, and salivary amylase were compared among the groups.
Results: The results of the study showed that amylase and cortisol levels had a signincant association with the level of dental fear. The phobic patents had the highest levels of salivary amylase and salivary cortisol levels with no signincant associations observed with either heart rate. control and anxious parents had signincantly lower amylase levels when compared to phobic patients. There was no significant difference between the salivary cortiso levels of anxious and phobic patients
Conclusions: Within the limitations of this study, we can conclude that salivary amylase is a good indicator of acute stress that can differentiate between anxiety and dental fear, while salivary cortisol is a good indicator of the phobia induced by a flight or fight response.